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World’s 1st

Multimodal imaging device that screens oral cancers non-invasively with more than 90% accuracy.

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User Friendly !

Easy to use portable handheld device for pain free screening that delivers results within 5 minutes.

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Patented Technology

Clinically validated and patented technology product that is CE certified and CDSCO cleared.

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For early detection of Oral Cancers & Biopsy guidance

SASCAN MEDITECH is an emerging healthcare innovation company founded in 2015 by a diverse and experienced team of scientists, doctors, design thinkers, and business developers who are passionate about making a difference in the lives of people. OralScan is an outcome of this great teamwork.

OralScan Features

Detects oral cancer by mapping changes in tissue autofluorescence and oxygenated hemoglobin absorption utilizing multispectral imaging technology.

Portable device that can also be used in remote locations without electricity or internet access.

Uses an intuitive software along with a cloud- based ML algorithm for quantitative and real- time feedback of tissue status.

Quick and pain free screening makes it ideally suited for periodic reviews

Locates the most malignant site for tissue biopsy and avoids false negatives

No drugs, harmful radiations and side effects


We encourage all dental and cancer treatment professionals and institutions to explore OralScan. Please leave your contact details below, and a specialist will swiftly connect with you to schedule a free in-depth demonstration.

Patients Screened


Cancer Detected


Competitor Landscape

Awards and Recognitions

National Technology Award 2023
Quality Innovation Award 2022 (ISQ)
National Startup Award 2021 (Winner Diagnostics -Health & Wellness)
Anjani Mashelkar Inclusive Innovation Award 2021
Pharma & Medical Devices Startup Grand Challenge 2021 (Winner - Medical Devices)
Nidhi Prayas Grant 2021 (TIMed-SCTIMST, GoI)
Scale-up Grant Award 2021 (KSUM, GoK)
NBEC 2020 Win Foundation (C-CAMP)
Villgro I-Pitch (Winner - Healthcare) -2018
ASME I-Show 2018 (Runner-up)
Elevate 100 Award 2017 (KBITS, GoK)
BIG Grant Award 2015 (BIRAC, Govt of India)



Dr Anita Balan, MDS

Principal, Government Dental College (GDC), Thiruvananthapuram

" Almost 89% of oral cancers in India arise from oral potentially malignant lesions of the oral cavity."

"Oral cancer has a very high incidence. Almost 89% of oral cancers in India arise from oral potentially malignant lesions of the oral cavity. But, not all potentially malignant lesions turn malignant. As a clinician of more than 30 years of experience, I still have a problem to deciding when to take a biopsy, from where to take a biopsy. In lesions like OSMF the entire oral cavity is involved. Definitely, the non-invasive imaging system will help clinicians like us in deciding where to take a biopsy from and when to take a biopsy and how often potentially malignant lesions have been involved. I hope the OralScan will be of benefit to the clinicians and the patients. "


Dr. Radhamadhab Sahu, MS

Consultant – ENT & Skull Base Surgery, IMS And SUM Hospital, Bhubaneswar 751003, Orissa.

"OralScan® is going to create a big change in the future. It can screen cancer, prevent cancer and can help diagnose cancer with improved accuracy."

"I have been using this device for the past 6 months. If a white lesion is seen, OralScan can be used to identify which part of it is more aggressive and take a selected biopsy from that part for histopathological examination. People are taking biopsy from wrong places and cannot identify the right place. So this device will guide you to which site is malignant or not. We are using it for the last 6 months and are satisfied with it. OralScan® is going to create a big change in the future. It can screen cancer, prevent cancer and can help diagnose cancer with improved accuracy".


Dr. Vidyarani Shyam Sundar, MDS

Centre For Oral Cancer Prevention Awareness And Research (COCPAR), Sree Balaji Dental College And Hospital, Pallikarani, Chennai, TN

" We found the Oralcan to be of major use in decision making and also for determining the most malignant site for biopsy. "

"We have been using the hand-held multispectral imaging device, OralScan® at COCPAR for the last 2 years. There is always a confusion in OPMD whether to do the biopsy or not, and if yes, in large lesions, from where to take a biopsy. We found the Oralcan to be of major use in decision making and also for determining the most malignant site for biopsy. With the use of OralScan® even inexperienced persons like healthcare workers can identify the malignancy resulting in early intervention and better prognosis. Even in OSCC, sometimes the clinician may have confusion regarding the site for biopsy. In such cases, OralScan can help the clinician to decide on the biopsy site, thereby preventing false negatives and repeat biopsies. In post treatment patients, OralScan is useful to identify local recurrences and prevent the trauma of multiple biopsies. The device is very useful in educating patients on the need for regular screenings and check-ups to prevent cancer, and why biopsy is mandatory in a lesion which is not yet cancerous."


Prof (Dr.) Mahesh Datta Rao, MDS

Dept Of Oral Medicine, Dayanand Sagar Dental College, Kumaraswamy Layout, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560078

" The device is user friendly and can be used by any health care worker with little training.”

“OralScan is first of a kind algorithm based intraoral screening device, which serves as a useful diagnostic adjuvant and can delineate the surgical margins during excision. The device is user friendly and can be used by any health care worker with little training.”


Dr. Apala Baduni. MDS

Ekohum Foundation

" Oral Scan is an objective assessment tool that comes with a cloud-based algorithm and is ideally suited for early detection of oral cancers. ”

“At Ekohum Foundation, we are actively working on the screening and awareness of oral potentially malignant diseases (OPMD) of the oral cavity. We have been using OralScan in Kotdwar Uttarakhand. It is an effective product to detect pre-cancerous lesions, make the patients aware of the consequences and not only make him resolved to quit the associated habits but also become more serious for the regular follow-ups.

Opportunistic screening and early detection of potentially malignant lesions is the only chance to reduce the high mortality rates (>50%) associated with the late stages of its detection. Oral Scan is an objective assessment tool that comes with a cloud-based algorithm and is ideally suited for early detection of oral cancers.”


Dr Sanjay C J, MDS

Department Of Oral Medicine, JSS Dental College & Hospital, Mysuru

"OralScan examination showed high DR ratio values for oxygenated hemoglobin absorption. "

"OralScan is an interesting and promising device. In one of our patients who was provisionally diagnosed with an ulcer on the upper right posterior ridge on a second biopsy following OralScan examination showed high DR ratio values for oxygenated hemoglobin absorption. Histopathological examination following guided biopsy with OralScan diagnosed the lesion as well differentiated SCC, which shows the promising potential of the device in identifying lesions noninvasively. "

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Corporate Office
TIMed, 5th Floor, M S Valiathan Building, SCTIMST, Poojapura P.O., Thiruvananthapuram – 695 012, Kerala
Landline: 0471 296 5551

Registered Office
TC # 6/1435, KGRA-C-13, NAMPELIL, Cheruvickal, Sreekariyam P.O., Thiruvananthapuram – 695 017
Landline: 0471-2597015

Contact Information
Mobile: +91 91888 51148